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Recently Jess completed some LinkedIn learning on EDI which prompted her to post the below (we thought it was worth a share!);

‘In the fast-evolving world of modern recruitment, Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion stand as formidable agents of positive change. Recognizing the global necessity for diverse talent and inclusive workspaces, EDI emerges not as a passing trend but as a foundational strategy for triumph. Recently, I explored this transformative concept through a dedicated course, highlighting its pivotal role in shaping the future of recruitment.
Today’s recruitment extends far beyond the mere filling of positions; it’s about crafting dynamic, innovative teams that mirror our diverse societies. This shift isn’t just moral; it’s strategic. Research consistently demonstrates that diverse teams fuel innovation, creativity, and profitability. Companies embracing EDI aren’t just checking boxes—they’re unlocking fresh perspectives, fostering environments where every individual can excel.
EDI isn’t about empty gestures or meeting quotas. It’s about recognizing the untapped potential within diverse talent pools. Biased or exclusive recruitment processes lead organizations to miss out on remarkable skills. By embracing EDI, companies open doors to novel insights, improved problem-solving, and heightened employee engagement.
What does EDI look like practically within recruitment? It starts with scrutinizing existing systems. Are job descriptions inclusive and devoid of biased language? Is the interview panel diverse? Are diverse candidates actively sought through various channels?
Crucially, training for recruiters and hiring managers becomes paramount. My recent course emphasized the importance of unconscious bias training. Addressing our implicit biases ensures fairer, more inclusive hiring decisions.
Technology plays a crucial role too. AI-driven recruitment tools, aligned with EDI principles, help eliminate bias from initial candidate screenings. EDI isn’t just about getting diverse individuals through the door; it’s about creating environments where they can thrive. High turnover rates can burden businesses, both financially and in lost productivity. When employees feel valued and heard, they’re more likely to stay loyal. Reflecting on insights from my recent EDI course, I’m more convinced of its transformative power.
For recruiters and HR professionals, the call is clear: educate, advocate, and implement. This entails continuous learning about EDI best practices, advocating for diverse talent within your organization, and employing concrete strategies for inclusivity at every recruitment stage.
For job seekers, understanding a company’s EDI commitment is pivotal. Armed with newfound knowledge, I’m excited about the possibilities EDI presents. It’s about transforming entire organizations for the better, not just changing recruitment practices.
Let’s embrace EDI, not just because it’s right, but because it’s smart. The future of recruitment—and our workplaces—depends on it.’

Jess’ post then got us thinking about the importance of EDI in our industry. So we put together the following thoughts…

In the bustling world of hospitality, where guest experiences shape reputations and businesses thrive on exceptional service, there exists a powerful undercurrent that defines success beyond mere amenities or luxury offerings. Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion (EDI) stand as pillars upon which the hospitality industry’s future hinges, transforming not just workplaces but the very essence of guest interactions. Let’s delve into why EDI is not just a trend but an essential element for success in this vibrant industry. At its heart, the hospitality industry is about creating spaces that welcome everyone. This inclusivity goes beyond mere guest lists—it extends to the diverse talent that powers these establishments. EDI ensures that teams reflect the mosaic of society, bringing together individuals from various backgrounds, cultures, and perspectives. This diversity isn’t just a moral stance; it’s a strategic advantage. A diverse workforce brings with it a wealth of experiences and insights. When guests encounter staff who understand their languages, cultural nuances, or dietary needs, it fosters a sense of belonging and comfort. For international guests, seeing familiar faces or hearing their native languages can transform a stay from ordinary to extraordinary. EDI isn’t just about ticking boxes; it’s about creating memorable experiences that keep guests returning. Research consistently demonstrates that diverse teams drive innovation. In the hospitality industry, this translates to creating unique offerings, designing immersive experiences, and anticipating evolving guest preferences. When employees feel empowered to share their ideas without fear of judgment, it sparks creativity that can set establishments apart in a competitive market. Imagine a culinary masterpiece: the perfect blend of ingredients, each one essential for the dish to truly shine. In the same vein, EDI is a key ingredient for success in hospitality. It’s not just about hiring a diverse workforce; it’s about creating an environment where every voice is heard, valued, and given the opportunity to flourish. Hospitality thrives on talent, and EDI plays a pivotal role in nurturing the next generation of leaders. When young professionals see individuals from diverse backgrounds in leadership positions, it inspires ambition and fosters a sense of possibility. Mentorship programs that promote EDI create pathways for underrepresented groups to ascend the ranks, bringing fresh perspectives to decision-making tables. Implementing EDI isn’t without its challenges. Unconscious biases, systemic barriers, and outdated practices can hinder progress. However, the hospitality industry is no stranger to overcoming challenges. By investing in comprehensive training programs, promoting inclusive policies, and actively seeking diverse talent, establishments can pave the way for meaningful change. For hospitality leaders, the call to action is clear: embrace EDI as a cornerstone of your business strategy. Create inclusive recruitment practices, offer ongoing diversity training, and champion a culture of respect and acceptance. The result? A workforce that reflects the diverse tapestry of your guests, leading to enriched experiences and increased loyalty. For guests, supporting establishments committed to EDI sends a powerful message. Seek out hotels, restaurants, and venues that prioritize inclusivity, knowing that your patronage contributes to a more equitable industry. In the fast-paced world of hospitality, where every interaction leaves an impression, Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion are not just values to uphold—they’re pathways to success. By weaving these principles into the fabric of operations, the industry can elevate guest experiences, foster innovation, and empower a new generation of leaders. As we navigate the ever-evolving landscape of hospitality, let us remember that EDI isn’t a burden; it’s an opportunity. It’s a chance to celebrate the richness of our differences, create unforgettable moments, and set the stage for a more inclusive and vibrant industry for generations to come.


So hopefully more people will commit to supporting the EDI revolution and becoming #employersforall as we are here at Viking Staffing and Events.

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